While Light of Christ Radio began as a weekly radio program, it has expanded. We now archive a weekly radio program as a 26-minute podcast. Our daily devotions come in a written form on our blog and a 3-minute audio podcast.  There is a weekly video with the context and text of the week and questions below the video for small group discussions. 


We use Biblical Storying to examine a portion of Scripture in each format. This allows anyone to understand the Bible and gives space for the Holy Spirit to speak through the story to impact lives. Through Biblical teaching, we aim to glorify Christ and equip His people to stay focused on Him!

Our weekly radio program is archived as a 26-minute podcast which can be accessed anytime.


Click here to listen. The most recent recordings are at the top.

Light of Christ Video for Small Groups can be

accessed here.


The newest video is listed first. Each teaching series has its own playlist.

While you can watch the video simply for the story, we find that as a group discusses a text, everyone gets more insight.

The story of the week is illustrated with simple visuals.  Instructions to lead a group and the discussion questions are found below the video.

Daily Written Devotions

Click here to read today's devotional blog. There are seven coordinating blogs for each weekly radio program. All our blogs can be accessed with a simple search.


Daily Audio Devotions

Click here to listen to today's devotional blog. These have the same content as our written blog but in a high-quality 3-4 minute podcast. 

 Luke wrote the book of Acts and the Gospel named for him. The Gospel of Luke records what Jesus “began both to do and teach” in His human body, and the Book of Acts tells us what Jesus continued to do and teach through His spiritual body, the church.

This series goes through the first twelve chapters of Acts as we see how a few disciples turned the world upside down. 




Contact Information

Light of Christ Media

Light of Christ Media is a ministry  of Trinity Church in Golden, IL


Donations to support this ministry may be mailed to our address or online 
